Blog post 7

really looking forward to the semester ending. I need to get out of here. I have so much work these last couple of weeks though. Its hard to stay strong but I’m very self motivated and determined to finish strong. With that said, I see me leaving as the end goal and that’s what keeps me going. Its been getting harder to get up and hit the gym in the morning, not to mention the days I have 4 classes are becoming a huge drag. At least this class isn’t a ton of work. One more paper and we are basically done. This paper will be time consuming but at least I don’t have to study for an exam in this class. It is very nice t be able to relax. All of my other classes are getting more intense and work heavy which really sucks since there are only 3 weeks left. As I mentioned before though, got to finish strong and stay focused. Not only will I stay focused for school but for the gym as well. sometimes its the only thing that keeps me sane. Cannot wait for summer where I can hit the gym at a consistent time everyday and not at 7 am as I do now. Life will be a lot easier and I could use summer break!

Opinion Post

Although I have not found the exact article I am going to use I think I am going to analyze an argument on a raising The Vaping age to 21. it may seem kind of funny that I’m analyzing an argument about Vapes and specifically Juuls, but I feel like there is an urgent need to discuss this specific argument. While I do own a juul, my analysis will not be because I feel like I have to protect the mini USB port in my pocket. I am not worried about figuring out how i’m going to get my nicotine fix after Virginia’s new tobacco law goes into place. This however is an issue that directly affects me and I Think it would be pretty cool to analyse an argument about a living document. It is not everyday that we get to read or study something that will impact our life in a very short time period. Plus many college student will be able to relate, and there for many may be able to understand my argument without much explanation. Automatically the reader will be engaged in my writing because they too are directly impacted by the upcoming law. Even I thought will chunle every now and then when talking about juuls because the whole idea seems kind of silly. However, if they really are so silly, there wouldn’t be tons of public debate and specific laws for them to begin with.

my favorite movie

It is extremely hard for me to pick my all-time favorite movie as there are so many great films out there. Even when you break it down by genre, I still have trouble ranking my favorite movie in each category. However, regardless of genre, one of my top favorite movies would have to be The Wolf of Wall Street. The movie may be three hours long, but the insanely interesting plot keeps you hooked, allowing time to fly by. A middle-class husband going from an average life to a drug, sex and money induced lifestyle that came with his rise to the top and eventually led to his downfall. Even through all the graphic drugs and sex scenes the movie is also very comedic. Also, it is a huge positive that Margot Robbie is casted as the role of the second wife in the movie. One can also say that one specific scene in general, the one that takes place at her house, is arguably the greatest scene in movie history. What also makes the film great is that in a non-super way, Jordan Belfort is the anti-hero you root for even when you shouldn’t. You watch Jordan Belfort consume multiple illicit drugs, cheat on both of his wives, and break other laws as a stockbroker and yet I find myself wanting him to beat the FBI every time. In fact, when he does eventually get caught, I feel as if the villain (the FBI) has won. I tell myself that the FBI is doing not only their job, but also is doing the right thing by brining a criminal to justice. With that thought repeatedly going through my head, I still feel myself rooting for Jordan Belfort to get away with everything every time.

post 4

Class on Tuesday was very interesting and relaxing. It was very nice to go to class and just simply watch and analyze a short film. I think I’m going to enjoy this film analysis essay that we have to write in the upcoming weeks. I personally love to watch movies and I think it will be nice to incorporate the idea of watching movies in to a scholarly activity. Normally when I watch movies I don’t sit and analyze them like we did in class, however when you have time to do so it can be very interesting. I hope that in the upcoming classes we get to analyze more short films together. I think that it is fun practice and at the same time not only are we learning how to analyze films but we also get to watch a movie/ short film. I also think that watching Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog was really interesting. it is definitely something that I would not have watched outside of class on my own but being honest I was surprised by the end. It is always good to step out of your comfort zone I guess. after all, I have seen a lot worse films / movies so I really can’t complain. as I mentioned before _t was relaxing in better than doing calculus problems or studying for business exam. It is very nice to go to a class and not have to be stressing out about something. For me it is actually enjoyable to go to this class and to be honest at the beginning I didn’t think that I would like it. I’ll have to give credit to a professor though as he gets to pick how he runs has class and I think he’s made it very interesting and fun at times.

My days off

I wrote my personal narrative 3 weeks ago so having no class last week was amazing. I have four classes in one day on Mondays and Wednesdays, so it was great to have the days to sleep-in and get caught up on work. After getting all my work out of the way I would go to the gym for about 2 hours to lift. The only problem was that since I woke up at twelve in the afternoon, the day went by fast. After spending about two to three hours on homework and two hours in the gym, it is already around five or six in the evening, depending on when I get out of bed. When homework is completed and I’m finished at the gym, I would shower quick and walk over to D-hall with some of my suite mates. I try to eat healthy, but I can be selective with what I eat. Should I not find anything that I like, I’ll just cop out of being healthy for pizza. Pizza may not be good for the heart, but it is good for the soul. The pizza is normally good at D-hall so if I cannot find anything else to my liking, pizza is a safe option. After dinner I would return to the village with my suite mates and watch tv for the rest of the night. My days are normally not very exciting, however sometimes boredom can be nice and relaxing. Every now and then I try to shake things up by switching my normal routine. I do this by meeting with a friend I haven’t seen in a while for lunch or dinner or go to UREC and play basketball or something. However, I mainly live the same day over and over. My day is wake up, hit the gym, go to class, do homework, sleep, and repeat. Like I said, not very exciting. As much as I love to do most of these things, I find myself to get bored. However, with my luck, if I am not bored, I am extremely busy with work. Therefore, I’ll take boredom over busyness any day. nresolved

Blog post 2

In class we talked about the many different ways to write a personal narrative. I found it very interesting that one way to tell your story is to also tell someone else’s story. Throughout my whole life i’ve had to write dozens of narratives essay. Infact, i’ve probably written at least one every year since the 5th grade. During the painful writing process of all these narratives, I never once thought about telling my story by telling the story of someone else. However, thinking more into my past experiences, i’m sure not many of my middle school or high school teachers would have even allowed me to do so. To think I could have done that instead of the boring and simplified way I had always been telling them. Normally I would just make something up. My life is definitely not interesting or eventful at all. I have my fair share of funny stories, at least they are funny until I write them down and quickly realize even I can’t finish reading what I wrote. Interestingly enough, I know of many people with many crazy stories that could have led me down a path to talk about my own experiences. Personally though, narratives really aren’t my thing. I took a lot of history classes in highschool so normally i’m writing some kind of argument. Sure I could use the argument-narrative style, but it would really just be me ranting on a piece of paper. Besides, that’s not really entertaining. To me, personal narratives should be entertaining, or at least interesting excluding an argument. I could read any other book, or simply go on twitter, to find someone spewing their opinion. In a personal narrative, I personally don’t want to be forced into deep thought. Let me, the reader, realx. However, yes, I realize this paper, is literally and argument-style narrative (basically). I failed to escape the situational irony, but my point is valid nonetheless!

SuperMyth debate (post 1)

Our first reading, SuperMyth, proposed the argument that our marvel and DC superheroes are the equivalent of the Greco-roman gods of mythology. The only exception to this argument being that, as of now, our superhero stories are not yet ancient. This Superhero-mythology is a unique perspective and I cannot believe this idea has just now been presented to me. The argument provides many examples, and to me, is a reasonable argument. I would agree however, I do not believe it is up to us to make this decision. I think the similarities between our superheroes and Greco-Roman (or any) mythology should be compared by the civilizations that come after us. I wonder if they will connect the similarities that were made in the reading. Once our superheroes are ancient, the only differences would be why they were created, and how they were worshiped. We do not worship our superheroes as the gods of mythology were worshiped, nor were our stories created to specifically explain the creation of our world. However, these debates are not particularly for us, but for the civilization that comes after us, and those to follow. Besides the opinions from later civilizations, I think the evidence supporting the idea of our superheroes being our own mythology is very credible. All the superhero stories I can think of follow the mythological criteria of having metaphysical, cosmological, sociological, and pedagogical functions. Therefore I would have to agree that superheros are our own mythology, besides some minor differences stated above. Interesting to see that our mythology of superheros is not connected to out religion, unlike the civilizations before us. It would be very interesting to find other cultures (not of our own time) that also had a mythology that was not connected to their religion. This knowledge could help settle the debate about whether or not our super heros really are our own mythology.